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From 1 July 2010 onwards, the Ministry of Finance officially implemented the new system on cash and information flow operations for taxes collected over-the-counter by agent financial institutionsfinancial institutions

To alleviate the burden of tax collection operations over–the–counter by agent financial institutions, and simplify manual operations on tax write-offs and distribution conducted by tax authorities, the Ministry of Finance has planned and established related matters step by step since 2007, and has, thoroughly and in detail, stipulated the “Project of Cash and Information Flow Operations for Sundry National and Local Taxes Collected Over–the–Counter by Agent Financial Institutions” to help the financial institutions comply with the rules concerning the new system.

On 1 July 2010, the Ministry of Finance, under the joint cooperation between related central and local government agencies (institutions), officially implemented the new system – the electronic operation which changed the way of manual operations used by the financial institutions and the tax authorities for the past several decades, and shortened the period of distributing and writing off taxes by the tax authorities. The implementation aims at attaining four policies, namely, “Swipe barcodes for financial institutions,” “Automatic write off for tax authorities,” “Instant account entering for treasury funds,” and “Love the earth by conserving energy, and reducing carbon emission.”

In consideration of the above project which involves the continuous promotion of tax collection and the review of related expiration of contracts, the Ministry of Finance on 18 July 2014 held a review meeting of the “Project of Cash and Information Flow Operations for Sundry National and Local Taxes Collected Over–the–Counter by Agent Financial Institutions”, inviting the central authorities, county and city governments and agent institutions to jointly study and deliberate on the project. A revision of the project was completed according to the resolution of the meeting.