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Superintendent Squad of Clean-up and Reactivating National Land

In order to effectively develop economic benefits out of the huge amount of national land assets, the Ministry of Finance has formulated a “plan for strengthening the management and utilization of national properties” and a “plan for the development of large-scale national land”, where phased tasks have been completed. In addition, in December 2009, the Executive Yuan established a “Superintendent Squad for Cleaning up and Reactivating National Land”. The expectation is to clear up large-scale construction lands under the supervision of the Superintendent Squad, and build comprehensive information about the land use potential for each government agency, to effectively determine ways of utilizing value-added national land. The Superintendent Squad is a task-oriented task force, with the Vice President and the Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan as the convener and the deputy convener, respectively, as well as the Minister of Finance (MOF) and the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) and other relevant ministries as members. In principle, the Superintendent Squad holds meetings every three months, handling tasks including integrating national land information and making deployment and utilization therefrom, establishing policies for the revitalization and utilization of national land, and supervising the clean-up and review of idle, underutilized, and uneconomically used national land to diversify state-owned land. The aim is to enhance overall land utilization benefits through revitalized approaches of diversification and cross-domain integration. In view of the fact that the clean-up and revitalization of national land had become routine operation, the Executive Yuan approved and on November 28, 2015, agreed to disband the Superintendent Squad.