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National Tax Administration of Northern Taiwan Province, Ministry of Finance
The National Tax Administration of Northern Taiwan Province, Ministry of Finance,(NTANTP) was established in 1992 at the Yongqian Building on Sanmin Road. It relocated to the Shuili Building on Fuhsing Road in 2000. The Executive Yuan gave approval for the construction of a new office building later the same year. The building was completed in 2008 and the building of the NTANTP is not only an integral part of its neighbouring community, but also provides a pleasant environment for both the staff and the public.
Area of Jurisdiction

The area of jurisdiction of the NTANTP includes Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Keelung City, Yilan County, Hualien County, Kinmen County and Lienchang County, covering more than 100 cities and townships, or 11,890 square meters in area with more than 8 million people and 400,000 companies serving to rank first among all five NTA offices around the island.

Taxation Categories

Taxation categories include: profit-seeking enterprise income tax, individual income tax, estate and gift tax, commodity tax, securities transaction tax, futures transaction tax, tobacco and alcohol tax, and business tax.


Organizational Hierarchy (Structure)

The NTANTP has a comprehensive organizational structure, which consists of ten Divisions and five Rooms; and there are a total of seven branches, fifteen offices and two service stations within our jurisdiction.

Overview of Divisions

The Services Division is in charge of the execution of all taxation services. The division conducts educational and promotional campaigns to raise awareness about taxation affairs and about the services offered by the NTANTP.
The Examination Division is responsible for the execution of tax auditing and planning, and case review and assessment so as to maintain the integrity of tax justice and to prevent taxpayers from the evasion of taxes.
The Auditing Division is responsible for the review of all auditing cases to improve the quality of auditing and to protect the rights of taxpayers.

The Collecting Division is in charge of tax collection, allocation and refund and arrears settlement. It also assists the Administrative Execution Office in the execution of late payment and penalty.
The Legal Affairs Division handles administrative relief and tax violation cases in court, offering verification as to the applicability of tax laws, and also review of suggestions for modification.
Here at the NTANTP, we strive to maintain a bright and pleasant atmosphere with a clean and “green” awareness in respect to the surrounding environment.

First-Class Service
AT the NTANTP we cater to citizen’s needs and demands through various channels and refer to them in policy making and execution.

Periodic conduct of the “Meet the Commissioner” activities.

Offering of “Contact Us” and “Write to the Commissioner” Mailboxes for public use.

Sending of invitations to business groups and various professional bodies of accountants, book keeping and tax agents to participate in conferences on tax issues.

The commissioner visits businesses and representatives
within the jurisdiction to collect feedback for further improvements.

In order to create a more convenient and user-friendly environment, the NTANTP offers the following:

A parking lot for cars and scooters with designated parking areas near the building.

A Volunteer Service Counter in the lobby for problem-solving.

A public brochure stand and writing counter on which information brochures, blank forms, samples of filled-out forms, and stationery are provided for the use of by the public.

Professional help is available to the public from accountants, lawyers and R.E.C.s during regular office hours.

A bank counter for the acceptance of tax payments.

A nursing room that offers a comfortable environment for nursing mothers and child care.

A recreation area that provides computers with internet access, printers, and blood pressure/BMI measuring machines.

A toll-free number, 0800-000321, is available for tax consultation services.

A circular art gallery is located on the 2nd floor hallway, and exhibitions of painting, ceramics, and photography are displayed in this area to provide an opportunity for artistic appreciation in the NTANTP space.

To enhance the quality of our life style, the NTANTP promotes the “Homeland Environmental Clean-Up Participation Project.” Each month the commissioner gathers over 80 members of staff to clean up the main building and its surrounding area.
E-Government, E-Service
The NTANTP caters to the needs of different demographics by offering new services such as:
PDA and WAP versions of services online, providing information updates through various platforms. The NTANTP also provides RSS feeds for tagged information and email subscription for better efficiency in acquiring information.
96 categories of taxation services are provided online, with 165 types of application and samples for download.
A virtual e-counter with the use of FLASH to guide the taxpayer in obtaining information on documents required for various filing services.
A “Quickly” service for the handling of requests for documents which allows the taxpayer to save time by avoiding having to wait in line. All the taxpayer has to do is to log on to the NTANTP’s website, select “Quickly” and fill out the application form. The requested documents will be ready for pick-up at the designated time and office location.

A “Skype Online Service” which enables taxpayers to call us for online consultation for free. This service significantly reduces traveling time.

Conducting of promotional campaigns at selected locations within the jurisdiction to promote the NTANTP’s services.

Awards and Recognition

The NTANTP received ISO 27001 Certification for Information Security Management System in 1996, the first such certificate awarded amongst all government agencies. Our dedicated staff have all contributed to the numerous recognitions which we have received after internal evaluation for efficiency by Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of the Executive Yuan such as the “Agency with the Best English Environment Award” and the “Records Management Quality Award” for governmental file management.

Future Goals

In the future, the NTANTP not only will ensure that it continues to meet the needs of citizens, but also strive to be innovative, with a proactive service attitude, and to maintain a professional manner. The NTANTP will pursue “quality service and innovative management” to the best of its ability. By ensuring that all information is distributed in a user-
friendly manner and by focusing on quality management.